Do you want freedom from your 9-7 life?
Every day you wake up wearing the confidence to live a Boss Free life.
You have discovered the power of blogging and where it can lead you.
You have respect for this skill/art (whatever you want to call it). It makes you excited and fills you with motivation to wake up every single day and work towards building an empire.
Many successful bloggers are living their dream life. They are selling courses, launching online programmes, selling e-books and attracting many high paying jobs… and this is just the tip of an iceberg.
Opportunities are infinite.
It is not easy.
I have been hobby blogging for more than two years. And It has been more than 8 months of professional blogging. Still, every day I wake up, the first thing that is on my priority list is to read others blogs and learn from their success and mistakes.
I know success doesn’t come overnight. And even if it did in some parallel universe, I would have happily chosen a long road. A road is full of experiences. At the end of the day, it is your experience that defines you.
Earning money online through a blog is a Desire for many people. The desire that fuels them every single day. It fuels me every single day.
I make sure that every hour I’m blogging, I’m blogging towards my goal. Small steps in the right direction matter the most.
There are times when you will get stuck. But when you will find a way out of such a situation… you will cross a milestone. And that is the time when your perspective will change. That is the time you will evolve into a better you. The thing is:
you must know how to find a way even if you don’t know the way.
This blog is a journey.
And if you share the same vision. Then this blog is for you.
Hop on board and start working towards your dream.
The Origin of BeMyAficionado
BeMyAficionado was built with a brand new vision after my first website. It follows the ideology of sharing and learning. I started this blog in 2017 with an aim of sharing my life experiences that would benefit others who are wanting to walk a similar path.
It turns out… People liked it.
In less than a month’s time, BeMyAficionado was able to create a steady 100 page views per day of traffic.
Want some proof of it. Here’s the growth graph of BeMyAficionado for the last 8 months:

The stats show the data till the month of January. And as you can see, January has been the best month for BeMyAficionado in terms of traffic.
I’ve shared everything along the way and there’s a lot more to come.
Infact, I share everything along the way, every experience, every tactic, every strategy, even what I’m planning to work upon in the coming days.
Are you ready to become an Aficionado?
If you share the same dream and want to start your own blog (or grow it, if you already have one). Then use the link below to sign up to our mailing list and be among the first to receive our latest content.
And if you do not want to become an Aficionado, then its fine too.
We will be here for you when you are here.