1. Never Upload A Mirror Selfie With iPhone

2. Never Keep Your Smartphone With You While Studying
We all know what we do with our smartphones. We do everything except study.

3. Never Go To Sleep Without Planning Your Next Day
Always keep a small diary or notebook by your side so that you can quickly jot down the things you need to accomplish tomorrow.

4. Never Smoke, Drink Or Do Drugs Just To Look Cool
Remember, if you need a stupid glass of liquid to look cool then YOU ARE NOT COOL.

5. Never Live Fake Life Trying To Boast On Social Media
Just imagine how would you react if you see someone going to shop and taking pics with new clothes every day just to post them on social media.

6. Never Have Dalgona Coffee Without Mixing It

7. Never Take Your Phone With You In The Restroom
This only applies when you are actually going to use the restroom for what it is built for ;).

8. Never Publish Anger Provoking Stuffs On Social Media
I hope you remember the Pseudo Feminist movement that took place in our country. That time people posted all sorts of anger-provoking stuff online and that only created differences between genders.
Always try to spread love not war.
9. Never Upload Pictures Of Paragraphs Of Book You Are Reading To Appear Intellectual.
It makes you appear dumb.

10. Never Publish Your Airlines Boarding Pass Stories On Social Media
It doesn’t make you look like a frequent flyer but a show-off machine. If you really want people to know that you are flying from one place to another then there is a dedicated feature for that on Facebook. I hope you are aware of that feature.