Ever imagined how these SOCIAL MEDIA MAGNETS make money on the internet.
What are the common traits they share to attract millions of people on their social media channel?
Well, in this article, I have tried digging deeper into the lives of some of the big names in social media right now. They all seem to share some common traits, I call these traits secret ingredients of a great recipe.
This article is all about making that special recipe by putting those special ingredients in it.
The good part, anyone can become a SOCIAL MEDIA MAGNET only if he uses these secret ingredients effectively.
Table of Contents
Social Media is an Amplifier

Oh, yes! Social media is an amplifier of your personality and desires It has the power to amplify your actions and even emotions.
Social Media (SM) has the capability to make you popular and famous in freakishly less amount of time.
Let me explain it to you by giving an example of a person I admire the most. She is impressively famous and well known among the youth. I know you will guess her name mid-way of the story.
A depressed 23-year-old Indian girl was totally lost in her life. She didn’t have any idea of what she was doing and where is she headed towards in her life. Her life was like a straight path with no turns. She couldn’t even find a good use for her education and her relationship story is not even worth telling, although her turnaround story is pretty inspiring.
Broadening depression and constantly fighting herself in search of a purpose, she randomly uploaded a video to youtube.
Don’t get excited, nothing much happened. She did get a few likes from his friends and circle but the feeling stuck with her. She really loved it the first time. This motivated her to upload yet another video and another and a few more.
This was her way to fight depression and utilize the time in doing something which actually made her happy from within.
She started uploading videos about her daily life (masala mar ke) and people started liking this brown girl whose jokes are contagious and made everyone laugh to their knees.
I know you guys have guessed her name till now.
She is our very own Lilly Singh a.k.a ||Superwoman||. And if you are from the minorities who have not seen her videos yet then it is time you go and watch her. She is a riot of laughter.
Her story is very inspirational to me.
My friend shared one of her videos two years back and from that very moment, I’ve become her biggest fan (although I don’t comment on her blog, I do follow her everywhere).
Just like superwoman, there are many other internet celebrities who have inspired me to start writing and it turns out they have always been right.
The common factor
Just like Lilly Singh, there are many other social media celebrities.
They may be a blogger, YouTubers, motivational speakers like Akash Gautam, Instagrammers and list go on. No matter what they are and where they are, they have one thing in common – They found the meaning in their actions.
All of them found a way to turnaround social media to make a living out of it instead of wasting time.
And not just a living but they made a fortune out of it.
They found the secret. A secret that many of you are still searching for.
Look around yourself, do you see it?
Don’t you think every person who made big on the internet like Harsh Agarwal, Amit Bhawani, Neil Patel, Miss Malini seems to have hit on some kind of special formula that made them grow forever?
I will try to decrypt this secret formula by pinning down the points which they all have in common. The urge to grow more and more, the hunger that never ends.
Let’s try to unravel the mystery.
The Secret Formula to Success
Look at this Social Media formula as a complete recipe.
A recipe is made by various different secret ingredients which are unique, good match and perfectly suited for that particular recipe. We are like a Chef in this cooking game who has to find those secret ingredients by tasting the food once the entire process has been followed (at the last).
This time each and everything has already been done and what we are looking at is the complete product which is liked by thousands and experienced by millions.
Are you still with me?
If you did not get it then read the above paragraph once again because that is important.
Think of Recipe like a complete step-by-step guide to create your dish. Secret ingredients of the recipes are like little ‘Ah-ha’ moments that you learned along the way which is used in the making of the dish.
The popularity and money are just the by-product of this recipe. And you are the audience who is enjoying the dish. You need to find the secret ingredients to prepare your dish and sell it into the market
You will have to become the chef.
Cook your own dish.
The secret ingredients that I’m going to list down are those common ingredients which are found in almost every celebrity. These are the core of every great celebrity found in the world.
The Unique Factor
You might be wondering, I was about to list down the common things and now I’ve written a heading as Unique Factor (I’ve probably gone mad).
Well, this unique factor has always been there in the first place.
This unique factor in the equation is YOU.
Have you ever noticed the difference in taste between the two dishes cooked by two different people following the same recipe?
I have experienced it and it is always different.
Although, the recipe they are following is the same still the taste differs and the only thing differs is they themselves.
Also, do you still think, you can become uber rich by following the recipe of some great chef whose recipe book you purchased in the first place?
Sure, you will become yet another cook, but, to become great and uber rich you would need to invent your own recipe book.
Experiment with your Social Media Channels
You must learn to find the Unique Factor and take this factor to the Social Media platform as well.
[bctt tweet=”If you are doing what others are doing, you will get less of what others have gotten already? ~ Varun Shrivastava” username=”vs_shrivastava”]
You need to find your talent and work upon it.
Going back to the example of Superwoman, she found her talent. She knew she can make others laugh by her explicable talent of pinning down the most fundamental things from her life and present it in a funny way. Plus, she has an awesome command over her words, body language which makes her charismatic and loved by people.
She has made her own recipe and now everyone is enjoying her dish across the world.
Once you have identified your unique talent which is not difficult. You just need to take some time out of your regular routine and observe yourself closely.
Experiment with all sorts of different skills you have. Put it out in the world and observe how people are serving it.
To find your secret skill, you will have to experiment with all sorts of skills and talents you already have. Some find it early and for some it takes decades.
But, once you find that secret power, you can literally pivot the entire world around it.
Ask yourself what is that one thing which you can do for hours or even days and years without thinking about the money. If you have found it, you can move on to the next ingredients. If not then keep looking because you are close. It does not take much time.
Timing Is Important

What do think would have happened if Harsh Agarwal or Amit Bhawani would have started their blogging careers today in the same niche they did back in 2007-08.
I really don’t think they would have made much difference because there are tonnes of other popular blogs today that talks about the same stuff.
The competition in their niche has grown tremendously.
You must find a way to walk with the age and technology advancement.
Find your unique corner that exists in today’s world.
You being unique is not going to help you unless you study the market and use that uniqueness to help others in solving their real-world problems.
Always stay with the trend or I will say ahead of the trend.
As GaryV always say that He is not afraid of the future because he always lives in the future. The present is constantly catching him.
If you could become a trendsetter, you will come into that 1 % of the people in the world today.
At least try to be with the time and keep yourself updated with all the new trends in your niche.
If the opportunity comes, you must be in a position to grab it. Hit a six when bowler throws a bouncer at you but for that, you must prepare yourself.
Timing is the most crucial thing that as seen among every successful and wealthy people in the world.
They made use of the opportunity so well, people started calling them GENIUS. This category is of the people who were known as the visionaries. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and many others.
They saw beyond their time.
Saw the possible future rather than the impossible present.
They made futuristic things which people did not even think about.
They made use of their time and created a future for everyone.
If you are good at something, be innovative and invent the new wheel which can further help you to become what you desire
Be Real
It is the essence of every genius ever lived on this planet.
Many people don’t understand the meaning of being real.
Being real doesn’t mean you stop imagining about the impossible, it simply means to start creating your path from where you are right now.
Let me explain you with a simple example…
Suppose, there are two bloggers (B1 & B2). They have just started blogging. Obviously, both of them want to grow their blog fast. Now let’s say B1 is being real and B2 is not. The difference in their actions will define their end result.
Thinking Pattern of B1
End Goal – To get more than a million page views in a month
Goal Setting
- Deliver at least 10 quality articles every month
- Deliver two guest posts on authoritative site every month
- Reach 100+ organic pageviews in the first month
- Get at least 10 new subscribers
Thinking pattern of B2
End Goal – To become the best blogger in the world
Goal Setting
- Create a lot of new articles
- Start making good money
- Become famous in the circle
- Get lot of page views
- Get many social shares on the blog
What do you think, who has the potential to become the best blogger in the world?Â
Both have the same end goal but the path they are set to reach there differs by precision.
B1 have solid goals and when he talks, he sounds convincing. Because he has made the crisp steps to reach that mark.
On the other hand, the blogger 2 have laid down some wishes.
Wishes never come true, desires do.
Desires always find the most efficient physical medium to manifest itself. Your goals automatically align and you start gettings success in life.
[bctt tweet=”Success is a Staircase, it is not a Doorway.” username=”vs_shrivastava”]
Make Solid Goals
What I’m trying to prove of Being Real is that your goals should not sound like a wish.
Your goals should sound more real.
What in the world will your brain understand the term a lot?
There is no definiteness for that word.
Similarly, good money does not make any sense.
Your brain is a computer which processes at very high speed. You must feed definite numbers to your brain in order to make correct calculation.
Once you change your mindset in this direction, there could be nothing far away from you for long.
This is what being real means.
Build your empire from the point where you are right now.
Breaking the Stereotypes

This is another ingredient of a successful recipe.
“Breaking the Stereotypes”
Everyone is familiar with this phrase but a very few actually make effort to break it.
The Internet is a place for all.
If it is good, there is also bad.
It’s a concept of Yin and Yang. You cannot escape it.
You will find a lot of people who are doing stupid things on the internet and getting famous.
I have a better word for that.
This is certainly what you don’t want in the first place. You would not want people to remember you in a negative or bad way. That is so not cool.
Let me give you an example:
Do you know “Dhinchak Pooja”?
She is a perfect example of a de-famous.
If you have not watched her video then thank god and wish you never watch it ever.
See, I just defamed her one more time.
Never do such acts.
Never never never.
It is not making you famous, you will look like a meaningless clown to whom people will laugh.
It is not a good thing.
Do not ever call this your talent just because you have managed to get some negative likes and views.
Think out of the box, create solutions for the existing problems, fill a missing gap.
There are a lot of things you would have to change/sacrifice in order to find yourself and make the most out of the opportunity thrown at you.
Read this article – 3 ways to solve every problem in life, it will help you a lot. You must also learn to manage your time well. If you could make your mind to approach every problem in the way mentioned in the article then automatically you will find new opportunities to shine.
Addiction affects adversely

This is one of the rarest yet most important ingredients in the making.
I know it is difficult… especially when social media is your source of earning a livelihood. But addiction is and have always been a bad thing.
You must find some time out to let your creative juices flowing.
This would amaze you that most of the Youtubers spend their time away from social media to create content. They might be posting a lot of content on their social channels but they are not addicted to it They can go for days without even seeing the social media. And that is the type of life you should target.
You must find a way to relax and completely take your mind off of a thing you are doing.
I’m the person to tell you about it because I have experienced it first-hand.
I felt lack of time. I was in a constant state of being busy. But at the end of the- The productivity was poor.
It was only when I saw videos of Sandeep Maheshwari and read Four hour work week by Timothy Ferris I realized where I was making mistake.
I was involved way more than normal.
I was involved so much in it that I stopped feeding my brain the energy so that it can produce the masterpiece.
Learn to Switch Off At Will
This is one of the most important skill to master.
No matter how much you are involved with your activity. Learn to switch off at will.
Cricketers are taught this skill of switching off between balls. This not only takes the anxiety away but also helps you to focus better.
If you can do that, you will automatically start to see drastic changes in all parts of your life.
Your life will re-vitalized and you will feel elevated.
Now, the question comes:
How can you switch it off at will?
This is very selective and subjective.
It depends on the person’s mind.
For example – I take a walk.
During my walk, I do not check my work or emails. This is ME TIME.
I use this time to recreate the creative juices inside my head. It fills me with new energy to work and write more.
Another thing that I do is Meditation. I also follow a minimalist lifestyle which gives me the freedom to keep detached from most of the materialistic things in life. If you do not know what being minimalist means then you can read the following article – The Minimalist Lifestyle.
Keep a Mentor
You cannot win the war alone even it’s your own.
You need someone by your side whom you can trust The one who can give you right advice at the most crucial time.
Your mentor could be anyone, it could be your close friend, your parents or even your teachers and relatives.
But most importantly, your mentor should be well versed in the field in which you are trying to grow.
The reason is simple – What if The Great Sachin Tendulkar would have taken guidance from the Great Lata Mangeshkar then would he be this great.
The Lata Mangeshkar is a legend when it comes to singing but she doesn’t know a thing about cricket.
Who should be a mentor?
A mentor must have the experience in the field you are looking to grow. He should be able to guide you in the right direction. He must make sure that you avoid the common pitfalls.
Your mentor must alert you of the dangers ahead but lets you tackle that danger by yourself (the difference between a parent and a mentor).
That way you will bring the best within yourself.
A similar example comes from Hindu religious book Mahabharata when Dronacharya (mentor) asked the five Pandavas to hit the bird’s eye. You must read that story if you haven’t yet. That story teaches us the importance of having a mentor who can advise us at each and every step of our journey.
Patience is Crucial

Ever heard of Overnight Success?
I know you have heard of it but you do not know the number of sleepless nights he had spent building that empire. The hours of efforts he has put in to realize the day that changed the entire course of his life. The day he became famous. When he got the breakthrough.
There is no such thing as Overnight Success.
You will have to put hours of efforts, hustle every single day for years but believe me it will pay off. And it will pay off well. And even if it doesn’t pay well, people will remember you for the efforts you made into making your dream a reality.
You will have to spend sleepless nights and have the patience that it will reap one day.
Spend your time in creating your foundation brick by brick.
Do not hurry, take all the time you need.
But make sure the foundation you have created in all this time is capable of withstanding the greatest of the impacts.
Make it so strong that people across the world will come to look at it. Inspire others.
You will never know when life gives you the opportunity. It is one of the most awesome and unpredictable events of life. You will become successful overnight.
Just keep patience and put your efforts in building your foundation.
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There is only one take away from this article:
Social Media is an amplifier that can amplify your skills, desires, likes, fans, emotions, money, skills, everything.
Whatever you dream to become, be it doctor, engineer, comedian, actor or a model. If you have the capability and talent then social media is a platform to amplify your capabilities and make your voice heard by millions. Make good use of it.
Always remember, it is nothing more than a work – You cannot always be doing work, can you?
Make sure you take breaks every now and then.
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Do you know any other missing ingredient?
What do you think is the biggest factor that comes in between you and success?